Fig. 8. VIC and ARVF response to pre-TAVR and post-TAVR sera from male and female patients with AVS.
(A) Porcine VIC activation on soft hydrogels in the presence of female and male pre-TAVR and post-TAVR sera. (B) Fold change of VIC activation on soft hydrogels in post-TAVR serum (XPost values) normalized to the mean activation in pre-TAVR serum from female and male patients (µPre). (C) Total number of differentially abundant proteins in pre-TAVR serum relative to post-TAVR serum for male and female patients (paired t test, P < 0.05). (D) Total number of differentially expressed genes in VICs treated with pre-TAVR serum relative to post-TAVR serum from male and female patients (quantile-adjusted conditional maximum likelihood method in edgeR, FDR-adjusted P < 0.05). (E) VIC deactivation and (F) deactivation fold change on soft hydrogels in the presence of female and male post-TAVR serum. (G) ARVF deactivation and (H) deactivation fold change on soft hydrogels in the presence of female and male post-TAVR serum. (I) VIC deactivation and (J) deactivation fold change on stiff hydrogels in the presence of female and male post-TAVR serum. (K) ARVF deactivation and (L) deactivation fold change on stiff hydrogels in the presence of female and male post-TAVR serum. For all bar graphs, n = 36 measurements were pooled together per group, means ± SD shown, with significance tested using unpaired t tests or one-way ANOVA and indicated as *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01.