Table 1:
Characteristics of 9,257 eligible Hispanics/Latinos attending Visit 2 of HCHS/SOL, by immigration statusa,b
Undocumented non-citizens (N=1403) | Documented non-citizens (N=2872) | Naturalized citizens (N=3766) | US-born citizens (N=1216) | P | |
Field Centerc, n (%) | <0.0001 | ||||
Bronx | 132 (22%) | 422 (18%) | 650 (21%) | 178 (21%) | |
Chicago | 817 (40%) | 591 (11%) | 780 (9%) | 218 (12%) | |
Miami | 257 (20%) | 1001 (42%) | 1231 (42%) | 92 (12%) | |
San Diego | 197 (18%) | 858 (28%) | 1105 (27%) | 728 (55%) | |
Hispanic/Latino backgroundc, n (%) | <0.0001 | ||||
Dominican | 31 (3%) | 323 (12%) | 519 (16%) | 61 (8%) | |
Central American | 279 (17%) | 363 (10%) | 445 (8%) | 55 (4%) | |
Cuban | 20 (2%) | 614 (31%) | 806 (33%) | 67 (10%) | |
Mexican | 933 (70%) | 1290 (39%) | 1562 (33%) | 818 (60%) | |
South American | 127 (7%) | 232 (6%) | 356 (7%) | 32 (2%) | |
Mixed/other | 10 (2%) | 42 (2%) | 65 (2%) | 174 (18%) | |
Age in years, n (%) | <0.0001 | ||||
≤44 | 625 (66%) | 496 (37%) | 462 (27%) | 661 (77%) | |
45–64 | 710 (32%) | 1896 (51%) | 2231 (46%) | 438 (19%) | |
≥65 | 68 (2%) | 480 (12%) | 1073 (27%) | 117 (4%) | |
Sex (male) | 533 (47%) | 1071 (50%) | 1261 (43%) | 515 (54%) | <0.0001 |
Interview language Spanish (n, %) | 1382 (97%) | 2767 (95%) | 3531 (90%) | 406 (28%) | <0.0001 |
>10 years residing in US | 1231 (86%) | 2316 (75%) | 3502 (89%) | 1201 (100%) | <0.0001 |
Completed high school, n (%) | 693 (52%) | 1663 (68%) | 2536 (75%) | 990 (84%) | <0.0001 |
Household income < $30,000 / yr | 943 (66%) | 1704 (54%) | 2034 (50%) | 438 (33%) | <0.0001 |
Currently employed, n (%) | 1061 (78%) | 1748 (70%) | 1910 (55%) | 820 (77%) | <0.0001 |
Charlson comorbidity index, mean (SE)d | 0.29 (0.02) | 0.47 (0.03) | 0.62 (0.03) | 0.25 (0.02) | <0.0001 |
HCHS/SOL = Hispanic Community Health Study / Study of Latinos
Actual sample sizes with weighted proportions to account for probability sampling design of HCHS/SOL
Note: numbers may not add up to total due to missingness
Data collected as part of HCHS/SOL Visit 1
Standard errors adjusted to account for probability sampling design of HCHS/SOL