Figure 5.
TrmB affects the translation of codons decoded by tRNAPhe/GAA and tRNAAsp/GUC. (A) Design of the reporter system. Each synthesized fragment was cloned into the pPR9TT-PApR vector in frame with lacZ under the control of the PApR constitutive promoter. Relative translation efficiencies of (B) 5XGln-CAA reporter (negative control), (C) 5XPhe-UUC reporter, (D) 5XPhe-UUU reporter, (E) 5XAsp-GAC reporter and (F) 5XAsp-GAU reporter in the wild type and trmB mutant strains after H2O2 exposure. Data represent the mean ± SD for four biological replicates. Asterisks denote a significant difference by t-test (**P ≤ 0.01, ***P ≤ 0.001, ****P ≤ 0.0001). Q, glutamine; F phenylalanine; D, aspartic acid.