Figure 4.
RMRP promotes cardiac fibroblasts activation through miR-613. The effect of miR-613 inhibitor on the proliferation as shown by (A) EdU staining and (B) graphical analysis (C) cell viability, α-SMA and Collagen (D) mRNA and (E) protein expression (F) of cardiac fibroblasts treated with Ang-II and RMRP siRNA. Magnification, ×400 for the EdU images of A. miR-613 inhibitor NC, miR-613 inhibitor negative control. Data are mean ± standard error of the mean. n=3 independent experiments. **P<0.01 vs. Con; #P<0.05 and ##P<0.01 vs. Ang-II; &P<0.05 and &&P<0.01 vs. Ang-II+RMRP siRNA. Con, control; RMRP, RNA component of mitochondrial RNA processing endoribonuclease; si, small interfering; NC, negative control; miR, microRNA; α-SMA, α-smooth muscle actin; Ang II, angiotensin II.