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. 2019 Sep 23;2019(9):CD013435. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013435

Bignami 2017.

Methods RCT, parallel design
Participants Total number of randomized participants: 46
Inclusion criteria: undergoing cardiac surgery; ≥ 18 years of age; preoperative left ventricular end diastolic diameter > 60 mm and left ventricular ejection fraction < 50%
Exclusion criteria: previous unusual response to esmolol; esmolol administration in previous 30 days; emergency surgery; inclusion in other RCTs
Type of surgery: elective cardiac surgery (coronary, mitral valve, aortic valve)
Baseline characteristics
Intervention group (esmolol)
  • Age, mean (SD): 62 (± 10.8) years

  • Gender, M/F: 18/3

  • NYHA class III or IV: 10

  • History of coronary heart disease, n: 8

  • History of hypertension, n: 12

  • Ejection fraction, mean (SD), %: 37 (± 7.1)

  • History of COPD, n: 4

  • Preoperative use of beta‐blockers, n: 13

Control group (placebo)
  • Age, mean (SD): 63 (± 14.5) years

  • Gender, M/F: 20/5

  • NYHA class III or IV: 7

  • History of coronary heart disease, n: 7

  • History of hypertension, n: 14

  • Ejection fraction, mean (SD), %: 38 (± 8.9)

  • History of COPD, n: 2

  • Preoperative use of beta‐blockers, n: 15

Country: Italy
Setting: single centre; teaching hospital
Interventions Intervention group (esmolol)
  • Randomized, n = 21; losses = 0; analysed, n = 21 (use of ITT analysis)

  • Details: preoperative medication stopped on day of surgery, and continued after surgery if permitted by HR, BP, and cardiac index. 1st dose 1 mg/kg esmolol in a 10 mg/mL solution, given IV before aortic cross‐clamping, additional dose 2 mg/kg given via cardioplegic solution

Control group (placebo)
  • Randomized, n = 25; losses = 0; analysed, n = 25 (use of ITT analysis)

  • Details: normal saline, given same as the intervention group

Outcomes Outcomes measured/reported by study authors: myocardial damage; troponin levels, ventricular fibrillation, need for inotropic support, ICU and hospital length of stay, mortality (at 1 year)
Outcomes relevant to the review: hospital length of stay (see notes below), mortality (at 1 year)
Notes Funding/declarations of interest: study authors received no funding, and declare no conflicts
Study dates: not reported
  • we did not include hospital length of stay in analysis because it was not reported as mean (SD) values; study authors reported median (IQR) length of hospital stay as 7 (6 to 12) days in the esmolol group, and 7 (6 to 10) days in the placebo group

Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Computer‐generated random numbers
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Use of sealed, numbered, opaque envelopes for group assignment
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk All personnel were blinded to group assignment. Study drugs prepared so that they were identical in appearance
Blinding of outcome assessors (detection bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Outcome assessors blinded to group assignment
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk No losses
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk Study authors did not report prospective clinical trial registration or publication of a protocol. It was not feasible to effectively assess risk of reporting bias
Other bias Low risk Not detected