Type of interest measurement | Description of interest measurement | No. of papers using | Examples of items from each measurement type |
Interest focused | Questionnaires exclusively using the word “interest” or “interesting” when asking about student’s interest. Typically, these scales were used to probe students’ interest for certain activities or topics. | 24 | How interesting do you find object A?Response options: 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest).a |
Affect focused | Questionnaires that included only affect-related items (i.e., feeling, liking, enjoyment, boredom) and occasionally included items using the word “interest,” which could not be separated from affect, given the scale. | 10 | How do you feel about watching a caterpillar turn into a butterfly?Response options: 5 = It’s awesome, 4 = It’s cool, 3 = It’s okay, 2 = It’s not cool, 1 = It’s boring.b |
Want to learn | Instances in which items asked students whether they wanted to learn a topic or whether it should be taught in science. These scales are then interpreted as interest. | 12 | How interested are you in learning about the following?1. Animals in other parts of the world2. Dinosaurs, how they lived and why they died out Response options: 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).c |
cSchreiner and Sjøberg, 2004. Referenced by three papers in our review.