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. 2019 Fall;18(3):ar42. doi: 10.1187/cbe.19-01-0004


Survey items used to assess self-reported prior knowledgea

Mean SeD Item-total correlation
I can calculate the probability that an individual in a pedigree has a particular genotype. 2.75 1.18 0.55
I can discuss how various factors might influence the relationship between genotype and phenotype. 2.87 1.04 0.62
I can explain how independent assortment of alleles during meiosis can lead to new combinations of alleles of unlinked genes. 2.67 1.15 0.61
I can explain how genetic distance is different from physical distance. 2.15 1.16 0.55
I can calculate gene linkage and genetic map distances and interference from the frequencies of progeny with recombinant phenotypes from 2-factor and 3-factor genetic crosses. 1.56 0.86 0.64
I can discuss Beadle and Tatum’s “One gene–one enzyme” hypothesis. 2.11 1.38 0.35
I can design a screen for isolating antibiotic resistance mutants and auxotrophic revertants. 1.50 0.925 0.62
I can design a bacteriophage cross that will allow the calculation of genetic map distance between two genes. 1.34 0.77 0.59

aScale ranged from 1 (not at all true of me) to 5 (completely true of me). Cronbach’s alpha = 0.84. N = 742.