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. 2018 Oct 24;19(1):99. doi: 10.1186/s10194-018-0924-5

Table 1.

Average fMRI activation

Anatomical area kE T
A – Nociceptive processing
-30–58 -26 L Cerebellar hemisphere 6763 10.22
26–58 -24 R Cerebellar hemisphere 9.47
6–64 -16 BL Cerebellar vermis 9.47
-38–12 56 L Motor cortex 11,434* 9.09
-2 2 56 Suppl. Motor area /SMA 9.02
-62–20 18 Somatosensory cortex (head) 8.94
64–16 20 R Somatosensory cortex (head) 7887† 8.82
60 12 0 Rolandic operculum 8.80
58 12 18 Frontal inf. Operculum 7.03
42 46 18 R Dorsolateral-prefrontal-cortex 331 5.67
36 50 24 5.24
-34 44 28 L Dorsolateral-prefrontal-cortex 45 5.08
-10–22 48 L Cingulum 48 5.07
40–14 -6 R Posterior insula 35 4.95
46–26–4 Superior temporal gyrus 4.90
52–38 -16 R Middle temporal gyrus 46 4.89
56–48 -18 Inferior temporal gyrus 4.83
B – Visual processing
-8–88 0 BL Calcarine gyrus 32,000‡ 18.86
4–88 -2 Lingual gyrus 17.93
6–80 -2 17.31
0–54 -36 BL Cerebellar vermis 91 7.34
50–4 54 R Middle Frontal Gyrus 53 5.30
C – Motor processing
38–18 58 R M1/Precentral Gyrus 2438 20.67
50–16 52 12.48
-16–50 -20 L Cerebellar hemisphere 1502 15.62
-58–18 48 L Pre- + Postcentral Gyrus 113 6.61
8–4 54 R Suppl. motor cortex 226 6.52
6 0 66 5.39
-8–88 0 BL Calcarine gyrus 800 6.47
8–98 -4 5.82
10–82 4 5.23
16–20 6 R Thalamus 42 5.77

Averaged BOLD responses (respecting all three tDC-stimulation paradigms to a third) to A nociceptive stimulation, B visual stimulation and C motor activation (incl. visual instruction); All results are whole brain Family-Wise-Error corrected (pFWE < 0.05). Fused blobs: *including activation in the thalamus, anterior and posterior insular cortex, † including activation in the thalamus, anterior insular cortex and basal ganglia. ‡ widespread bilateral activation of V1, visual thalami and downstream visual cortices. R = right, L = left, BL = bilateral, kE = cluster extend; MNI = Montreal Neurological Institute