Sox10 is required for secretory cell fate. (A, B) Genetic
ablation of Sox10 in epithelial cells leads to loss of Kit+ progenitors (arrow) in
embryonic day 16 endbuds. Loss of Sox10 also led to a decrease in proliferation (CCND1)
in the epithelium (CDH1). (C, D) Comparing control glands with
Sox10fl/fl shows loss of differentiating acinar cells (identified by
expression of SMGc and AQP5). AQP5, aquaporin 5; CCND1, cyclin D1; CDH1, cadherin 1;
KIT, KIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase; SMGc, submandibular gland protein C.
Scale bar: 20 µm. From Figure 4
of Athwal et al. (2019).