Lineage tracing in adult glands. Duct, myoepithelial, and acinar cells are mainly
maintained by separate lineages. 1Sox2 lineage tracing in adult mice is
specific to sublingual gland. 2A modest number of duct cells were lineage
traced from Acta2+ cells in this study. 3A modest number of acinar cells were
lineage traced from Trp63 following long-term chase in the submandibular gland (SMG).
4In parotid gland (PG) specifically, Dcpp+ intercalated ducts (IDs)
infrequently also give rise to acinar cells. Dcpp, demilune cell and parotid protein 1;
GCT, granular convoluted tubules; P, postnatal day. Dotted arrows indicate age-specific
or rare events reported.