Effect of rpoN overexpression on PilE levels in N. meningitidis. (A) S4Plac-rpoNNm was grown overnight on solid medium in the presence or absence of IPTG to induce σN expression. Pilin expression was detected by Western blotting with an antipeptide antibody. Expression of σN was verified using anti-FLAG antibodies. No change in pilin expression was detected in the presence of σN. (B) S4Plac-rpoNNel and control strain S4 ery were grown overnight on solid medium with or without IPTG. N. elongata σN was detected using anti-FLAG antibodies. Expression of σN from N. elongata in S4 led to a reduction in pilin expression, while no reduction was observed in the control strain. The asterisk indicates a degradation product of Nel σN-FLAG. (C) Similarly, a reduced level of pilin was detected in S4Plac-rpoNNel grown in liquid medium in the presence of IPTG for 1, 3, 5, and 6 h compared to that without the inducer. Expression of RecA or Coomassie blue staining of extracts was used as a control. Numbers to the left indicate the positions of molecular weight markers (kilodaltons).