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. 2019 Aug 23;8(17):e013260. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.119.013260

Table 2.

Baseline Characteristics, Stratified by Type of Surgery

Variable Overall Population (N=72 824) No. (%) of Patientsa P Value
Isolated CABG (N=52 546) CABG+Single Valve (N=7936)b CABG+Multiple Valves (N=665)c Single Valve (N=10 368)b Multiple Valves (N=1309)c
Age, mean±SD, y 67.0±10.2 65.9±9.8 72.6±9.0 72.5±9.1 67.5±11.2 68.3±11.4 <0.001
40–64 28 941 (39.7) 22 925 (43.6) 1460 (18.4) 129 (19.4) 3969 (38.3) 458 (35.0) <0.001
65–74 25 229 (34.6) 18 626 (35.4) 2795 (35.2) 216 (32.5) 3197 (30.8) 395 (30.2)
75–84 16 806 (23.1) 10 220 (19.4) 3128 (39.4) 269 (40.5) 2801 (27.0) 388 (29.6)
≥85 1848 (2.5) 775 (1.5) 553 (7.0) 51 (7.7) 401 (3.9) 68 (5.2)
Rural residence 11 763 (16.2) 8204 (15.6) 1457 (18.4) 143 (21.5) 1756 (16.9) 203 (15.5)
Income quintile
1 (Lowest) 13 448 (18.5) 10 003 (19.0) 1370 (17.3) 102 (15.3) 1728 (16.7) 245 (18.7) <0.001
2 14 696 (20.2) 10 724 (20.4) 1608 (20.3) 148 (22.3) 1959 (18.9) 257 (19.6)
3 14 759 (20.3) 10 627 (20.2) 1609 (20.3) 157 (23.6) 2117 (20.4) 249 (19.0)
4 15 017 (20.6) 10 714 (20.4) 1705 (21.5) 127 (19.1) 2214 (21.4) 257 (19.6)
5 (Highest) 14 532 (20.0) 10 184 (19.4) 1617 (20.4) 129 (19.4) 2310 (22.3) 292 (22.3)
Missing 372 (0.5) 294 (0.6) 27 (0.3) ≤5 40 (0.4) 9 (0.7)
Hypertension 62 852 (86.3) 46 111 (87.8) 7185 (90.5) 595 (89.5) 7954 (76.7) 1007 (76.9) <0.001
Atrial fibrillation 5165 (7.1) 2373 (4.5) 990 (12.5) 155 (23.3) 1343 (13.0) 304 (23.2) <0.001
Recent MI 22 952 (31.5) 20 684 (39.4) 1659 (20.9) 132 (19.8) 422 (4.1) 55 (4.2) <0.001
Remote MI 11 605 (15.9) 9432 (17.9) 1295 (16.3) 108 (16.2) 679 (6.5) 91 (7.0) <0.001
Previous PCI 10 532 (14.5) 8773 (16.7) 1004 (12.7) 68 (10.2) 617 (6.0) 70 (5.3) <0.001
Heart failure 19 847 (27.3) 10 126 (19.3) 3714 (46.8) 430 (64.7) 4729 (45.6) 848 (64.8) <0.001
≥50 48 185 (66.2) 32 237 (61.4) 5630 (70.9) 435 (65.4) 8843 (85.3) 1040 (79.4)
35–50 15 448 (21.2) 12 762 (24.3) 1398 (17.6) 145 (21.8) 967 (9.3) 176 (13.4)
20–35 6044 (8.3) 4911 (9.3) 654 (8.2) 66 (9.9) 346 (3.3) 67 (5.1)
<20 1113 (1.5) 905 (1.7) 139 (1.8) 13 (2.0) 43 (0.4) 13 (1.0)
Missing 2034 (2.8) 1731 (3.3) 115 (1.4) 6 (0.9) 169 (1.6) 13 (1.0) <0.001
Cerebrovascular disease 7420 (10.2) 5132 (9.8) 1073 (13.5) 82 (12.3) 970 (9.4) 163 (12.5) <0.001
Peripheral arterial disease 9139 (12.5) 6424 (12.2) 1389 (17.5) 108 (16.2) 1079 (10.4) 139 (10.6) <0.001
COPD or asthma 21 419 (29.4) 14 702 (28.0) 2726 (34.3) 251 (37.7) 3301 (31.8) 439 (33.5) <0.001
Diabetes mellitus 32 812 (45.1) 25 267 (48.1) 3639 (45.9) 266 (40.0) 3218 (31.0) 422 (32.2) <0.001
Morbid obesity 28 391 (39.0) 20 490 (39.0) 3106 (39.1) 281 (42.3) 3951 (38.1) 563 (43.0) 0.004
Hypothyroidism 1419 (1.9) 969 (1.8) 186 (2.3) 18 (2.7) 206 (2.0) 40 (3.1) <0.001
Liver disease 633 (0.9) 351 (0.7) 81 (1.0) 11 (1.7) 153 (1.5) 37 (2.8) <0.001
Anemia 7347 (10.1) 4918 (9.4) 1113 (14.0) 136 (20.5) 977 (9.4) 203 (15.5) <0.001
Venous thromboembolism 288 (0.4) 173 (0.3) 46 (0.6) ≤5 57 (0.5) 10 (0.8) <0.001
Dialysis 1531 (2.1) 1047 (2.0) 233 (2.9) 22 (3.3) 195 (1.9) 34 (2.6) <0.001
Baseline creatinine, μmol/L
120–179 6635 (9.1) 4487 (8.5) 1037 (13.1) 93 (14.0) 855 (8.2) 163 (12.5) <0.001
<120 60 190 (82.7) 43 934 (83.6) 6158 (77.6) 522 (78.5) 8538 (82.3) 1038 (79.3)
≥180 2435 (3.3) 1698 (3.2) 381 (4.8) 32 (4.8) 261 (2.5) 63 (4.8)
Missing 3564 (4.9) 2427 (4.6) 360 (4.5) 18 (2.7) 714 (6.9) 45 (3.4)
Chronic renal disease 3133 (4.3) 2109 (4.0) 516 (6.5) 43 (6.5) 399 (3.8) 66 (5.0) <0.001
Dementia 176 (0.2) 98 (0.2) 41 (0.5) 6 (0.9) 27 (0.3) ≤5 <0.001
Depression 1089 (1.5) 733 (1.4) 149 (1.9) 13 (2.0) 157 (1.5) 37 (2.8) <0.001
Psychosis 161 (0.2) 102 (0.2) 17 (0.2) ≤5 33 (0.3) 6 (0.5) 0.025
Primary tumor 3770 (5.2) 2486 (4.7) 539 (6.8) 48 (7.2) 601 (5.8) 96 (7.3) <0.001
Metastatic cancer 375 (0.5) 248 (0.5) 40 (0.5) ≤5 72 (0.7) 10 (0.8) 0.03
Charlson score, median (IQR) 1 (0–3) 2 (0–3) 2 (0–3) 2 (1–3) 1 (0–2) 1 (0–2) <0.001
Frailtyc 11 685 (16.0) 8623 (16.4) 1491 (18.8) 154 (23.2) 1204 (11.6) 213 (16.3) <0.001

CABG indicates coronary artery bypass grafting; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; IQR, interquartile range; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MI, myocardial infarction; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.


Unless otherwise stated.


Mitral, aortic, or tricuspid valve surgery.


According to the Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups frailty‐defining diagnoses indicator.29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34