Figure 2.
The ATPase module is required for BAF and PBAF subcomplex identity.
A. Schematic of BAF and PBAF subcomplexes and their formation upon rescue of SMARCA4 ATPase.
B. Density sedimentation experiments performed on nuclear extracts of SW-13 cells with and without SMARCA4 rescue. Expected fraction numbers for BAF and PBAF subcomplexes are indicated. See also Supplementary Figure 7b.
C. Log-scale scatterplot showing the normalized read counts from DPF2 and ARID2 ChIP-seq across a union set of DPF2 and ARID2 peaks (inset). Spearman correlation is shown.
D. Overlap between SS18 and ARID2 peaks in the SMARCA4 rescue condition in BIN-67 cells.
E. Log-scale scatterplot showing the normalized read counts from SS18 and ARID2 ChIP-seq across a union set of SS18 and ARID2 peaks upon SMARCA4 rescue.
F. Heatmaps reflecting ChIP-seq occupancy for SMARCC1, ARID2, DPF2, SS18, and SMARCA4 in control and SMARCA4 rescue conditions, split between in to SS18-only, ARID2-only, and shared occupancy. Rows are rank ordered by SMARCC1 occupancy in the control condition.
G. Distribution of mSWI/SNF peaks over genomic features in control and SMARCA4 rescue conditions.