Association of biomarkers with CVD outcomes is modified by sex.
Biomarkers presented here show sex*biomarker interaction P<0.05. All
biomarkers are rank normalized. Original assay units are pg/mL. Abbreviations:
HR = hazard ratio Central Illustration.
Age-adjusted and multivariable-adjusted associations of single biomarkers with
sex. Waterfall plot displays ß regression coefficients for individual
biomarkers. ß-coefficients represent difference in biomarker
concentration between women and men (referent), units expressed in standard
deviations of rank-normalized biomarker. Positive ß-coefficient
represents higher concentration in women and negative ß-coefficient
represents higher biomarker concentration in men. Red bars represent
age-adjusted model, blue bars represent multivariable-adjusted model.
Multivariable model adjusts for age, sex, SBP, HTN treatment, HDL, total
cholesterol, BMI, DM, and smoking. Abbreviations: MV = multivariable.