Table 3.
A summary of recommendations from pilot study findings and expert panel review
Pilot study | Expert panel review |
Design: a case–controlled study Study components: Non-randomisation—to identify participant’s willingness to attend therapy as a measure of good compliance. Treatment application—treatment was given at early stage of injury (2 weeks postinjury) to measure the treatment effect vs spontaneous’ recovery. Treatment accessibility—outpatient hospital-based treatment is feasible. Treatment compliance–high attrition rate (50%), which compromised the treatment fidelity. Reasons for poor treatment compliance were:
Treatment method—clinical application of treatment was acceptable to participants. Treatment effect—the application of effect size measurement is consistent with MOST recommendation. Outcome measure application—S-NAB was able to measure score differences in its five domains. DTI parameters reported changes consistent with current literature evidence in mTBI population. |
Design: Randomisation was recommended in clinical trial design Review components: Fidelity of treatment
Treatment method
Outcome measure Neuropsychological assessment as a practice standard Guided individualised goals (GAS application) to standardise the functional goal outcome measurement for both groups. |
DTI, Diffusion Tensor Imaging; GAS, Goal Attainment Scaling; MOST, Multiphase Optimisation Strategy; mTBI, mild traumatic brain injury; S-NAB, Neuropsychological Assessment Battery-Screening Module.