Table 1. Performance of PCR and microscopic examination for the detection of S. mansoni and S. haematobium in urine, stool and biopsy samples.
Sample (N) | Patients (n) | Positive microscopy, n/N (%) | Positive SmPCR or ShPCR n/N (%) | Agreement PCR/microscopy (%) |
Urine (N = 124) | 108 | 5a/124 (4.0) | 13b /124 (10.5) | 93.5 |
Stool (N = 86) | 65 | 29c/86 (33.7) | 42d/86 (48.8) | 84.9 |
Biopsy (N = 8e) | 7 | 2f/8 (25.0) | 2/8 (25.0) | 100 |
SmPCR: S. mansoni PCR; ShPCR: S. haematobium PCR
a5/5 positive-microscopy samples yielded positive PCR
bTwo samples were simultaneously positive for SmPCR and ShPCR; p<0.001 compared to microscopy
c29/29 positive-microscopy samples yielded positive PCR
dp<0.001 compared to microscopy
eRectum (n = 3); colon (n = 2); rectum/colon (n = 1); perineal abscess (n = 1) and liver (n = 1)
fRectum (n = 1) colon (n = 1) collected from the same patient. 2/2 positive-microscopy samples yielded positive PCR