Figure 3. EC-Exo improves neurological and cognitive outcome in T2DM-stroke mice.
(A) Compared to PBS or liposome mimic treatment, EC-Exo treatment of T2DM-stroke mice significantly improves neurological and cognitive outcome, but does not decrease lesion volume or blood glucose. Loss of miR-126 in EC-Exo attenuates EC-Exo induced improvement in stroke outcome. (B-C) Stroke in T2DM mice significantly decreases axon and myelin density in the corpus callosum and striatal WM bundles comapred to non-stroke T2DM control mice. EC-Exo treatment of T2DM-stroke mice significantly increases axon and myelin densityin the corpus callosum and striatal WM bundles in the IBZ. Loss of miR-126 in EC-Exo attenuates EC-Exo induced WM remodeling in T2DM-stroke mice. Representative images are in the striatum.