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. 2019 Feb 14;31(2):346–356. doi: 10.1007/s12028-019-00674-y

Table 1.

Treatment guidelines by protocol group

Group I Group II Group III

Patients with small, unruptured bAVMs of Spetzler–Martin grade 1 without surgical complications

 No need for a central venous catheter

 Extubation in the operating room and follow-up in NICU

 Normal blood pressure (SBP generally under 150 mmHg)

 Strict fluid balance postoperatively

 Antihypertensive medication if needed (vasodilating beta blocker or a calcium channel blocker) for 1 to 2 weeks postoperatively

Patients with medium to large bAVMs without and small bAVMs with surgical complications or if ruptured preoperatively

 Recovery from general anesthesia in NICU. According to the clinical evaluation, propofol/dexmedetomidine sedation until the postoperative control imaging (CT-scan, DS- or CT-angiogram) has been performed.

 Head of bed elevation 15–30%

Restricted intravenous fluid administration postoperatively

 Low SBP target (generally under 120–130 mmHg) and avoidance of sudden increase in SBP

  Labetalol, hydralazine and clonidine are used to lower blood pressure

  Dexmedetomidine for sedation (0.2–1.5 µg/kg/h infusion)

 Patient in NICU until stabilized, usually up to several days

 Antihypertensive medication (a vasodilating beta blocker or a calcium channel blocker) for 1 to 2 weeks postoperatively

Patients with large bAVMs

 Placement of central venous catheter preoperatively

 Propofol and/or dexmedetomidine sedation until the postoperative control imaging has been performed or even longer

 Head of bed elevation 15–30%

 Restricted intravenous fluid administration postoperatively

Avoidance of any sudden increase in SBP

 Low SBP target: first under 90–110 mmHg, then gradually increased 110 → 120 → 130 → 140 → 150 mmHg

 Patient in NICU until stabilized, usually up to several days

 Antihypertensive medication (a vasodilating beta blocker or a calcium channel blocker) for one to two weeks postoperatively

bAVM brain arteriovenous malformation, CT computed tomography, DS digital subtraction, NICU neurointensive care unit, SBP systolic blood pressure