10. Case‐control studies: disposal elsewhere versus latrine.
Study ID (setting) | Age group (years) | Outcome | Specific comparison | Measure of effect (95% CI) | What was it adjusted for? |
Abalkhail 1995 KSA (urban) | < 3 | Diarrhoea | Disposal of child faeces elsewhere vs in latrine. | OR (adj): 1.46 (1.03 to 2.08) | Paternal education, child and maternal age and family size |
Asfaha 2018 ETH (rural) | < 5 | Diarrhoea | Unsafe vs safe child stool disposal (no definition of safe/unsafe). | OR: 2.69 (1.88 to 3.87) | — |
Baker 2016 BGD (rural) | < 5 | MSD | Disposal of child faeces in the open vs in any type of latrine with a pit or sewer. Hanging latrines and bucket latrines were considered open disposal. | OR (adj): 1.26 (1.05 to 1.52) | Adjusted for wealth quintiles and the presence of both parents in the home. |
Baker 2016 GMB (rural) | < 5 | MSD | Disposal of child faeces in the open vs in any type of latrine with pit/sewer. | OR (adj): 0.85 (0.38 to 1.88) | Adjusted for wealth quintiles and the presence of both parents in the home. |
Baker 2016 IND (urban) | < 5 | MSD | Disposal of child faeces in the open vs in any type of latrine with pit/sewer. | OR (adj): 1.11 (0.92 to 1.35) | Adjusted for wealth quintiles and the presence of both parents in the home. |
Baker 2016 KEN (rural) | < 5 | MSD | Disposal of child faeces in the open vs in any type of latrine with pit/sewer. | OR (adj): 1.02 (0.87 to 1.2) | Adjusted for wealth quintiles and the presence of both parents in the home. |
Baker 2016 MLI (urban) | < 5 | MSD | Disposal of child faeces in the open vs in any type of latrine with pit/sewer. | OR (adj): 2.01 (0.51 to 7.82) | Adjusted for wealth quintiles and the presence of both parents in the home. |
Baker 2016 MOZ (rural) | < 5 | MSD | Disposal of child faeces in the open vs in any type of latrine with pit/sewer. | OR (adj): 0.65 (0.32 to 1.3) | Adjusted for wealth quintiles and the presence of both parents in the home. |
Baker 2016 PAK (periurban) | < 5 | MSD | Disposal of child faeces in the open vs in any type of latrine with pit/sewer. | OR (adj): 0.82 (0.63 to 1.07) | Adjusted for wealth quintiles and the presence of both parents in the home. |
Baltazar 1989 PHI (urban and rural) | < 2 | Diarrhoea | Unsanitary vs sanitary disposal of child faeces (sanitary = child defecated in a nappy and faeces thrown away in washing, child used chamber pot/piece of paper and faecal matter was thrown in the toilet or child used the toilet). | OR (adj): 1.34 (0.93 to 1.92) | Water supply, toilet facilities, sex, education of head of household and mother, feeding practices, level of health service utilization, number of children aged < 5 years in household. |
Cummings 2012 UGAa (rural) | > 10 | Cholera | Not disposing of child faeces in latrine vs using latrine to dispose of faeces in cases vs control. | OR (adj): 15.76 (1.54 to 161.25) | Reside in household with another case, did not use chlorine tablet to disinfect water, ate roadside food, girls, age group (10–17 years old), no latrine in household, did not wash hands after defecation, did not store water in sealed container, eats mostly cold meals, and drinks local alcoholic beverage. |
Dikassa 1993 DRC (urban) | < 3 | Diarrhoea | Not disposing of child faeces in latrine vs using latrine to dispose of faeces. | OR (adj): 3.61 (1.32 to 9.85) | Garbage disposal, caretaker hygiene, maternal education |
Genthe 1997 SAF (urban/ periurban) | Preschool children | Diarrhoea | Open disposal of stools vs disposal into any form of sanitation. | OR: 1 (0.53 to 1.88) | — |
Ghosh 1994 IND (rural) | < 3 | Diarrhoea case families | Indiscriminate disposal of child stools. | OR: 2.22 (1.08 to 4.56) | — |
Ghosh 1997 IND (rural) | < 4 | Diarrhoea case families | Indiscriminate disposal of child stools. | OR (adj): 1.99 (0.97 to 4.08) | Bottle feeding, cleaning feeding container without soap, using pond water for cleaning feeding container, storing drinking water in wide mouthed vessel (bucket). |
Godana 2013 ETHb (rural) | < 5 | Acute diarrhoea | Child faeces disposal elsewhere vs in latrine. | OR (calc): 2.49 (1.64 to 3.77) | — |
Heller 2003 BRA (urban) | < 5 | Diarrhoea | Faeces disposal from swaddle elsewhere vs in toilet/latrine. | OR (adj): 1.45 (0.99 to 2.12) | Fruit and green hygiene, mother's religion, superficial presence of wastewater in street, refuse storage, domestic reservoir (2 categories), child's age, refuse disposal, number of children, near stream existence, own a fridge, cockroach presence, flooding in lot, mosquito presence, refuse collection frequency, domestic water reservoir (3 categories), faeces disposal from swaddle (no swaddle use vs latrine/toilet) + interaction terms for wastewater in street* refuse storage, domestic reservoir (no storage vs covered + clean)*cockroach, domestic reservoir (vessel storage vs covered+clean)*cockroach, domestic water storage (3 different categories)* cockroach, cockroach*mosquito. |
Maung 1992a MYA (urban) | 1–59 months | Persistent diarrhoea + PEM | Faeces were disposed of around house vs latrine. | OR: 1.88 (0.6 to 5.96) | — |
Mediratta 2010a ETH (urban) | < 5 | Acute diarrhoea | Disposal of stool elsewhere (garbage, buried, left on ground) vs in latrine. | OR: 0.78 (0.53 to 1.15) | — |
Mertens 1992 SRI (rural) | < 5 | diarrhoea | Unsanitary vs sanitary disposal of < 5 child stools. Unsanitary stool disposal = stools passed, or disposed of, in or out of the yard without being later (within 1 day) disposed of in a latrine or in a covered rubbish pit. Proper = stools passed in a potty and later disposed of in a latrine or in a covered pit. | OR (adj): 1.42 (1.01 to 1.98) | Child's age, recruitment clinic, the distance from the home to the clinic, handwashing before a meal, water quantity, occupation of the head of the household, main type of water source used, and distance to the water source. |
Strina 2012 BRA (urban) | < 10 | Rotavirus diarrhoea | Inadequate vs adequate disposal of excreta of children aged ≤ 2 years (no definition). | OR (adj): 1.34 (0.98 to 1.83) | Age and gender |
Traoré 1994a BUR (urban) | < 3 | Diarrhoea/dysentery | Disposal elsewhere vs in latrines. | OR (adj): 1.5 (1.09 to 2.06) | Age, mother's religion, father's occupation, source of drinking water, possession of a radio‐cassette, whether the child was reported to eat soil, whether the mother practised "lavements" (anal purging) on the child, number of people in the household. |
Wijewardene 1992 SRI (urban) | < 5 | Acute diarrhoea | Children's faeces not disposed in latrine in cases vs controls. | OR (adj): 2.28 (1.09 to 4.78) | Household size, source of water, disposal of garbage, adult defecation site, mother's education, mother's lack of knowledge regarding infectivity of diarrhoea, mother's lack of knowledge of mode of spread of diarrhoea, families that keep cooked food, feeding bottle and children's drinking cups uncovered. |
adj: adjusted; calc: calculated crude value; CI: confidence interval; MSD: Moderate‐to‐severe diarrhoea; OR: odds ratio; PEM: protein‐energy malnutrition. aCummings 2012 UGA reported a CI of 1.54 to 161.25; however, the closest we could enter was 161.26. bCalculated a crude OR as could not obtain as narrow CIs as what was reported in the paper.