Fig. 1.
TAG-1 is expressed by Schwann cells during development and in the adult. A, In longitudinal sections from adult sciatic nerve, TAG-1 mRNA is detected in cells with the typical spindle shape morphology of Schwann cells (higher magnification, B). C, Western blot analysis shows that TAG-1 is expressed in whole protein extracts from P5 sciatic nerve (lane 1, 30 μg) as a 135 kDa band. Protein extract from postnatal cerebellum was loaded in lane 2 (10 μg). D, A rat TAG-1-specific 524 bp band is detected by reverse transcription-PCR analysis in total RNA isolated from Schwann cells after 4 DIV (lane 1), P5 sciatic nerve (lane 2), adult sciatic nerve (lane 3), and postnatal cerebellum (lane 4). A cyclophilin 400 bp band was used to normalize the mRNA levels in each sample. E, The gel in D was hybridized with a 2.5 kb 32P-labeledKpnI–KpnI DNA fragment of TAG-564 plasmid (Furley et al., 1990). Scale bars: A, 10 μm;B, 5 μm.