Fig. 4.
TAG-1 is expressed in the juxtaparanodal region of PNS myelinated fibers in the adult. A, In adult sciatic nerve, TAG-1 continues to be expressed in ensheathing Schwann cells, but it is also detected in myelinated fibers in the region, probably corresponding to the juxtaparanode (arrows).B, TAG-1 is expressed in an ensheathing Schwann cell detected by L1 labeling (C). D is the combined image of B and C, which shows that both channels overlap (yellow).E, TAG-1 is also detected in Schmidt-Lanterman incisures (arrows) of myelinated fibers. The juxtaparanodal localization of TAG-1 (F, G,red) in adult sciatic nerve was confirmed by double labeling for MAG (G, green), which is localized in the paranodal loops of adult myelinated fibers. TAG-1 (arrowheads) appears to be localized adjacent to the paranodal region indicated by MAG labeling (arrows).H, In the internode, TAG-1 (red, arrows) is in register with MAG staining in the incisures (green), which is closest to the axon.A, Nine images, 0.9 μm apart; B–D, six images, 0.7 μm apart; E, eight images, 0.8 μm apart;F,G, six images, 0.85 μm apart;H, five images, 1 μm apart. Scale bars:A, 20 μm; B–H, 10 μm.