M-phase cells in the VZ express the radial glial marker 4A4, and cells in S-phase and M-phase have radial glial morphology. A, BrdU-positive cells (green) are labeled by fluorescent microspheres (beads, red) placed on the pia. Colabeling (shown at E17) is confirmed by ConA staining of cell borders (blue). Cells were analyzed in the VZ underlying pial bead application sites (box). Most BrdU-positive cells contain beads as shown in the right panel.B, Confocal sections of the ventricular surface from intact cortical slabs (shown at E15) demonstrate localization of 4A4 immunostaining (red) in cells identified as M-phase cells by the pattern of Syto-11 labeling (green).Arrows identify cells in different stages of (Figure legend continued.) M-phase that are 4A4 positive. Arrowheads identify cells without condensed chromatin that are not in M-phase and do not express 4A4. C, Cells in specific stages of M-phase, including metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, are clearly identified by Syto-11 chromatin morphology (green) and have surrounding 4A4 fluorescence (red). D1a, Overlay of Syto-11 (green) and 4A4 (red) fluorescence in a coronal section at E15.D1b, 4A4 staining in this same section (black) shows multiple cells labeled at the ventricular border and 4A4-positive radial fibers extending toward the pia (arrowheads). D2a, Radial processes of 4A4-positive cells (arrowhead) extend to the pia and marginal zone (MZ). D2b, Faint 4A4 labeling is present in distal fibers that reach the MZ (arrowheads). E1, Overlay of Syto-11 (green) and 4A4 (red) in P8 cerebellum demonstrates colabeling in Bergmann radial glia (arrowheads). Granule cell precursors in the external granule layer (EGL) do not express 4A4.E2, 4A4-positive staining (black) in the same section as E1 demonstrates morphology of M-phase Bergmann radial glia (arrowheads). Scale bars: A, 100 μm; B, 5 μm;C, 4 μm; D1,D2a, E, 10 μm;D2b, 5 μm.