MK-801 is less effective on sIPSCs of pyramidal cells in the parietal cortex. A, At the holding potential of +30 mV, bath-applied MK-801 (40 μm) decreased sIPSCs in a layer V pyramidal cell in the parietal cortex. When BMI (20 μm) was added, sIPSCs were abolished, then recovered after washout. Calibration: 500 msec, 0.1 nA.B, In the same cell, the cumulative inter-event interval distribution shows a slight but significant increase in the inter-event interval (p < 0.05; K-S test). In contrast, MK-801 did not significantly decrease the sIPSC amplitude in the parietal cortex, as shown by the cumulative amplitude distribution (p > 0.05; K-S test). C, Photomicrograph of the same cell filled with biocytin.I–VI, Cortical lamina.Arrow denotes axon. Scale bar, 100 μm. (In the main dendrite, the small apparent gaps are artifacts: they arose after coverslipping. During the experiment, the dendrite was intact, as in all other experiments.)