Fig. 6.
This figure is a composite of a schematic drawing adapted from O'Keefe and Nadel (1978) and a double immunohistochemical stain of a section of the hippocampus kindly reproduced with permission from Dr. Daniel Peterson and Current Opinion in Pharmacology [portion of a figure on the cover (2002)]. Thegreen neuron cell bodies are stained with Neu N antibodies, and the mossy fibers among others have been stainedred with calbindin antibodies. The schematic depicts an adult granule neuron in the dentate gyrus that extends a mossy fiber within the stratum lucidum (tight red bundle) to the border of CA3–CA2. A typical pyramidal neuron also is drawn to show that the mossy fiber projection within the stratum lucidum intersects only with a restricted portion of the proximal apical dendrite. Additionally, this picture shows the locations at which axonal densities were quantified. A is proximal to the lesion (measure point 1); B is distal to the lesion (measure point 2); C is 190–230 μm distal to pointB (measure point 3). Point A is in the dentate gyrus; points B and C are in the CA3 region. The lesion is shown by white dots.