Combined anterograde labeling and DNPI immunolabeling demonstrating multiple CF innervation in the GluRδ2 knock-out mouse. A–E are taken from levels indicated in reconstructed image H. To show synaptic contacts of spines S1–S3 with CFs, boxed regions inA, B, and E are enlarged as F1, F2, and G. Note that dendrites originating from the same PC (D) are innervated by anterogradely labeled (CF in F1, F2) and anterogradely unlabeled (uCF in G) CFs, both being heavily labeled by silver-intensified immunogold particles representing vesicular glutamate transporter DNPI. Another case of multiple innervation by anterogradely labeled and unlabeled CFs is shown as reconstructed image I. Scale bars: A–E, 1 μm; F, G, 0.5 μm.