Laminar development of the TCAs in MAOA-KO and MAOA/5-HT1B-DKO mice. The development of 5-HTT patterning was compared in C3H wild-type mice (A–C), MAOA-KO mice (D–F), and MAOA/5-HT1B-DKO mice (G–I). At P0 (A,D, G), the laminar distribution of TCAs is similar in all three genotypes, indicating that the initial development is normal in MAOA-KO mice. At P3 (B,E, H), barrels emerge in layer IV in C3H and MAOA/5-HT1B-DKO mice but not in MAOA-KO mice; however, the confinement of the TCAs to the layer V to VI frontier proceeds as in WT mice. At P7 (C,F, I), barrels are well developed in layer IV of the WT and MAOA-5-HT1B-DKO mice. In the MAOA-KO, no tangential delimitation of barrels is visible, but TCAs in the top cortical layers retract. Note that the delimitation of axon clusters is more clearly set out in layer IV than in layer VI. Scale bar, 100 μm.