Fig. 1.
Estimate of injection site location in LIP. The top left panel shows a lateral view of the right hemisphere in monkey A. The gray-shaded area highlights the approximate position of LIP as characterized electrophysiologically and projected onto the brain surface. Vertical dashed lines indicate the level of the coronal sections through the injection sites of Fast Blue. These injections of fluorescent tracer reproduced the location of the two more distant muscimol injections performed in this animal. Thetop right panel shows the coronal sections indicated by the vertical dashed lines on the lateral view of the brain. The boxed outlines on the coronal sectionsa and c indicate, respectively, the location of the photomicrographs A and Cshown in the bottom panel. Scale bar, 10 mm. Thebottom panels illustrate photomicrographs of injection sites at two different magnification factors. A,C, Low-power photomicrographs showing coronal sections from posterior and middle portions of the intraparietal sulcus stained with the Nissl method. Black stars identify the approximate location of the two Fast Blue injections performed along each track. The boxed outlines indicate the location of the photomicrographs B and D.B, D, Higher-power photomicrographs showing the core of the fluorescent tracer injections. Scale bars, 1 mm.