Examples of average mIPSCs from a normal rat (A), a seizure-resistant rat (B), a seizure-prone rat nonpyramidal neuron (C), and a seizure-prone rat pyramidal neuron (D). Each example shows the basic characteristics found in each strain. In seizure-resistant rats, the average time course was faster and the amplitude larger than in normal rats. Within each of these strains, both pyramidal and nonpyramidal neurons had similar mIPSCavs. In contrast, in seizure-prone rats, the average time courses were slower and the synaptic events smaller than in normal rats. This was more pronounced in the nonpyramidal population (see Table 1 for summary). In E and F, we show examples of the morphological reconstructions that were done for all recordings. E, Typical neuron that was classified as pyramidal; F, example of one kind of nonpyramidal cell morphology, which as expected was more variable in morphology than pyramidal. Calibration: 10 msec, 10 pA. The smooth linethrough each average time course shows the fitted time course.Arrows indicate axonal projection.