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. 2002 Nov 15;22(22):9698–9707. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.22-22-09698.2002

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

Differential distribution of SK1–SK3 protein in sections of the rat brain: expression of SK proteins in subsets of neurons. A–C, SK1–SK3-IR in layers IV–VI of the frontoparietal cortex (coronal brain section). D–F, SK1–SK3 localization in the CA3 region of the hippocampus.G–I, Localization of SK1–SK3 protein within the hippocampus proper. J–L, Distribution of SK1–SK3 protein within the dentate gyrus. gl, Granule cell layer; ml, molecular layer; pl, polymorphic layer; sl, stratum lucidum;sp, stratum pyramidale; so, stratum oriens; sr, stratum radiatum. Scale bar:A–C, 45 μm; D–F, J–L, 100 μm;G–I, 400 μm.