Fig. 3.
Effect of mitochondrial blockers on the membrane potential and [Ca2+]i of AH/Type-II neurons. A, Typical example of the effect of FCCP on an AH/Type-II neuron. The compound hyperpolarization induced by FCCP is triggered and amplified by action potential firing. Thenumber of action potentials that are elicited is indicated under each stimulus. The top trace represents the [Ca2+]i changes, whereas the membrane potential is shown in the bottom panel ofA. The presence of FCCP (1 μm) is indicated with a horizontal bar. Theinset shows a membrane potential recording from another neuron in control conditions (black), in the presence of FCCP (dark gray), and during current clamp in the presence of FCCP (light gray). Although clamped to the control potential, the amplitude of the AH remains reduced in FCCP.B, The average amplitude ± SEM of the compound hyperpolarization induced by FCCP, antimycin A, and rotenone in AH/Type-II neurons. C, The average time ± SEM to reach the maximum hyperpolarization. The number of neurons per condition is indicated in the bars.