The effect of external K+ on reverse-mode Na+/Ca2+ exchange.A, B, The Ca2+traces were recorded from two different axon terminals preloaded with fura-2 AM. The times when 0.5 mm ouabain was applied are indicated by arrows. The two bars underneath the Ca2+traces illustrate the sequence of changes in [Na+] and [K+] of the external bathing solutions. External Na+ was replaced with equimolar NMG+ in zero Na+ solutions. K+ was added or omitted to the normal Tyrode's solution to make 10 mm[K+]o or zero [K+]o. C, Average [Ca2+]i increases during initial 30 sec after the solution change under various ionic conditions (n, number of individual nerve endings; error bars indicate SEMs). Numbers below theabscissa indicate external concentrations of K+. The major external cation was Na+ (left three bars, 145 mm Na+) or NMG+(right three bars, zero Na+).