Summary of the ablation effects in both tasks. Theleft panel shows implementation of the preoperatively acquired strategy task. The origin of the vertical axis in this panel is 2.5, which is optimal performance, and higher values indicate less proficient performance. PRE shows the preoperative retention test. IT or FC shows performance after the first operation in group IT × FC; see Tables 1 and 3 for details.TS+AM shows performance after the first operation in group TS+AM+FX. IT×FC shows performance after the second operation in group IT × FC. TS+AM+FX shows performance after the second operation in group TS+AM+FX. Theright panel shows object–reward association learning. The data from the control group in the right panel(CONT) are from a group of normal animals, previously reported by Gaffan et al. (2001), performing exactly the same task, in the same apparatus, as the present newly reported animals. Group IT×FC in the right panelcomprises both the present newly reported animals S1–S3 and also the animals performing the same task after the same lesions in the experiment by Parker and Gaffan (1998). Group TS+AM+FXin the right panel comprises both the present newly reported animals S4 and S6 and also the animals performing the same task after the same lesions in the experiment by Gaffan et al. (2001). In each panel the error bars represent the SEMs. Data from individual monkeys are in Table 5.