Fig. 3.
Summary of place field rotations. Eachdot on the diagram represents the amount of rotation of a single place field between the standard and mismatch sessions.A, Degree of rotation for each place field between two standard sessions (left) and between the standard and mismatch sessions (45, 90,135, and 180°). The distribution of rotation angles for the 45° mismatch sessions was centered around 0°, although a comparison with the standard sessions (left) shows that the variance was greater for the 45° mismatch session. For the 90, 135, and 180° mismatch sessions, the distributions were bimodal, with subsets of cells rotating with the distal cue set and with the local cue set. B, Degree of rotation for each place field broken down by subject. All mismatch session types (45, 90, 135, and 180°) are combined. Thearrow represents the mean angle for that rat, and thelength of the arrow signifies the angular dispersion around the mean (Zar, 1999). Some rats were controlled more strongly by the local cue set (e.g., Rats 20 and21), whereas other rats were controlled more strongly by the distal cue set (e.g., Rats 31 and44).