Fig. 3.
Spatiotemporal weighting functions of the same magnocellular neuron (Fig. 2) for multiple delays, from the 0 msec bin (0–15 msec) to the 74 msec bin (74–89 msec). Responses to different stimuli, shown fromleft to right: L cone, M cone, and luminance. Conventions are as in Figure 2. Off-center response starts in the 0 msec bin, peaks in the 15 msec bin, and reverses sign (rebounds) at either 30 or 44 msec. On-surround starts at 15, peaks at 30, and reverses at 44 msec. The M-cone response is delayed slightly relative to the L-cone response. Scale at bottomindicates response magnitudes in spikes/(sec · C), where C is the cone contrast of the stimulus.