Migrating neurons in the rostral migratory stream coexpress phospho-FIGQY L1 CAMs and doublecortin in the adult brain. A, Doublecortin and phospho-FIGQY L1 CAMs are coexpressed in migrating neurons of the rostral migratory stream in adult brain. Shown is double immunofluorescence labeling of a parasagittal section of the rostral cortex of adult rat brain using rabbit anti-phospho-FIGQY antibody and goat anti-doublecortin: phospho-FIGQY L1 CAM (red, left), doublecortin (green,middle), and overlay (right).Arrows indicate the chain-like structures formed by the migrating neurons. Scale bar, 50 μm. B, Doublecortin and phospho-FIGQY L1 CAMs are coexpressed in primary cultures of SVZ neurons. Cultures (Materials and Methods) were subjected to immunofluorescence with anti-phospho-FIGQY L1 CAM antibody, goat anti-doublecortin, and monoclonal anti-βIII tubulin. Top panels show the DIC image (left) and βIII tubulin (right); bottom panels show phospho-FIGQY L1 CAM (red, left), doublecortin (green, middle), and overlay (right). βIII tubulin-positive chain migrating neurons (arrowheads): non-neuronal process as indicated by the lack of βIII tubulin (arrow). Scale bar, 25 μm.