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. 2002 Apr 1;22(7):2513–2521. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.22-07-02513.2002

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Strong immunolabeling for the α1 subunit of the GABAA receptor in synapses made by PV-positive boutons on a PV-positive interneuron soma in the pyramidal cell layer. A, Electron micrograph of a section immunolabeled for PV (10 nm gold particles; small arrows). Three synaptic boutons (b), as well as the soma of the interneuron, are PV positive. The rightmost bouton is connected to the cell body via three punctae adherentiae. B–E, Four sections serial to A are immunolabeled for the α1 subunit (silver-intensified ultra small gold particles; arrowheads), demonstrating consistent and strong immunolabeling in the synapses made by all three boutons. Scale bar: A–E, 0.2 μm.