Overview of α-synuclein expression in the striatum (A–D) and SN (E–O) at 1 (A, E, I), 3 (B, F, J, M–O), 8 (C, G, K), and 27 (D, H, I) weeks after injection. The nigral DA cells were labeled with α-synuclein at 1 (E, I) and 3 (F, J) weeks after transduction. At 3 weeks, most of the TH-positive cell bodies in the pars compacta were also positive for α-synuclein (M–O). Similarly, nigrostriatal fiber terminals in the striatum were filled with transgenic human α-synuclein (compare A, B). In contrast to the rAAV-GFP-injected animals, the expression of α-synuclein led to the appearance of degenerative changes both in the nigral cell bodies (G, K) and in the striatal terminals (C). Degeneration of cell bodies in the pars compacta was seen as a reduction in the intensity of α-synuclein-immunoreactive cell bodies in the SN pars compacta at 8 weeks (K). The reduction in α-synuclein-positive cell bodies remained low at the 27 week time point (H, L) while some degree of recovery was seen at the striatal level (D). Scale bars:A, 1 mm (applies to A–C);E, 250 μm (applies to E–H);I, 200 μm (applies to I–L);M, 30 μm (applies to M–O).