Fig. 2.
Observations of the patterns of X-gal-labeled hippocampal pyramidal cells. A, Three-dimensional reconstruction of the hippocampus of a low-percentage chimera (chimera 1) illustrating the spatially restricted clustering of like-genotype cohorts of pyramidal cells across a series of coronal sections (blue circles represent individual labeled neurons). The most anterior section is at the front/bottom of the reconstruction. Thetables to the left andright show the number of X-gal-labeled cells and the estimated total number of pyramidal cells in each analyzed section. The overall percentage of X-gal-labeled cells of the total pyramidal cell population is shown at the bottom of eachtable. B, Example of radial arrays of X-gal-labeled cells across the hippocampal pyramidal cell layer of chimera 13 (arrows). C, Example of cell-mixing across cytoarchitectonic boundaries of regio inferior and regio superior in the pyramidal cell layer of chimera 14.D, Example of the asymmetrical colonization of cells of the hippocampus shown in this section of chimera 11. Scale bars: B, 70 μm; C,D, 135 μm.