Purkinje cell regeneration. A, Comparison of Purkinje cell survival and regeneration in the presence or absence of Gö6976. To compare the effect of Gö6976 on Purkinje cell survival and regeneration after axotomy, we have combined results from Figure 4B,E on a same double-axis graph. The lefty-axis represents the survival curves, indicating the percentage of slices in group III (see Materials and Methods and Fig. 1). The right y-axis represents the regeneration curves, indicating the surface of regenerative axons (square millimeters). Note that although the effect of Gö6976 on Purkinje cell survival is important whatever the ages of mice from which the slices were taken, the effect of Gö6976 on axonal regeneration decreases with age. The twocurves concerning axonal regeneration are almost parallel. B, Schematic representation of the regenerative capabilities of Purkinje cells during development (adapted from Chedotal and Sotelo, 1993).