Fig. 5.
Overexpression of Ine-P1 confers phenotypes that are opposite to those conferred by loss of Ine. A,Overexpression of Ine-P1 (Overine+) suppresses this leg-shaking phenotype. Sh mutants shake their legs vigorously while under ether anesthesia. When photographing these flies with a long exposure time, the boundary of their legs becomes blurry because of the rapid leg movement (a–c).Overine+ suppresses this leg-shaking phenotype; thus the legs of Sh; Overine+ flies appear clearly in the pictures (d). B, Delayed onset of long-term facilitation at the larval neuromuscular junction. The bath [Ca2+] was 0.15 mm. A 100 μm concentration of quinidine was present in the recording solution. The time required for the onset of long-term facilitation at 10 and 7 Hz stimulus frequencies is shown for each genotype. From top to bottom,n = 17, 10, 9, and 10, respectively, for each genotype. Error bars represent SEMs. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.001, versus wild type.