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. 2019 Sep 24;14(9):e0222638. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0222638

Table 1. Factors associated with burnout, univariable analysis.

Variable Burnout No Burnout Yes p-value
Participant sociodemographics, depression, and personality type D
Age, years, mean (SD) 33.7 (10.3) 33.8 (10.1) 0.948
Gender, n (%) 0.089
 Male 73 (34) 142 (66)
 Female 126 (41.3) 179 (58.7)
Marital Status, n (%) 0.075
 Married 123 (40.9) 178 (59.1)
 Widowed/divorced 9 (22.5) 31 (77.5)
 Single 66 (37.1) 112 (62.9)
Children less than 5 years old, n (%) 0.339
 No 119 (36.4) 208 (63.6)
 Yes 76 (40.6) 111 (59.4)
Stress due to financial situation in the past 7 days, n (%) 0.006
 None 55 (49.5) 56 (50.5)
 Yes 144 (35.2) 265 (64.8)
At-risk alcohol use (>/ = 8)* n (%) 0.331
 No 189 (38.8) 298 (61.2)
 Yes 10 (30.3) 23 (69.7)
Other drug use, n (%) 0.628
 Never 197 (38.2) 319 (61.8)
 A few times a year 2 (50) 2 (50)
Depression- positive screen (>/ = 8), n (%) 0.002
 No 194 (40.2) 289 (59.8)
 Yes 5 (13.9) 31 (81.6)
Suicidal Ideation, n (%) 0.085
 No 195 (39.1) 304 (60.9)
 Yes 4 (20) 16 (80)
History of Depression, n (%) 0.072
 No 194 (39.1) 302 (60.9)
 Yes 5 (20.8) 19 (79.2)
Personality Type D, n (%) <0.0001
 No 181 (42.1) 249 (57.9)
 Yes 17 (19.1) 72 (80.9)
Work related demographics and environment
Type of HCW, n (%) 0.487
 Medical Officer/Clinical officer/Medical assistant 69 (36.3) 121 (63.7)
 Nurse midwife technician/state registered nurse 130 (39.4) 200 (60.6)
Years worked as a health care worker, median (IQR) 6 (3–10) 5 (3–11) 0.856
Health facility type, n (%) 0.035
 District Hospital 54 (40.3) 80 (59.7)
 Rural Hospital 44 (48.9) 46 (51.1)
 Health center or other 101 (34.1) 195 (65.9)
Number of hours worked in a week, n (%) 0.494
 Less than 40 hours 12 (34.3) 23 (65.7)
 40–50 hours 94 (40.9) 136 (59.1)
 51–60 hours 28 (41.2) 40 (58.8)
 More than 60 hours 63 (34.2) 121 (65.8)
Time spent providing direct clinical care, n (%) 0.820
 All of my time 97 (39) 152 (61)
 >75% 77 (37.6) 128 (62.4)
 50% 16 (39) 25 (61)
 <50% or don’t provide clinical care 6 (28.6) 15 (71.4)
How many clients do you see in a typical day, n (%) 0.024
 < 25 hours 60 (47.2) 67 (52.8)
 25 to <50 hours 75 (40.5) 110 (59.5)
 50 to 100 hours 37 (34.6) 70 (65.4)
 >100 hours 22 (27.2) 59 (72.8)
Do you feel that you have adequate facility resources to provide quality care to patients, n (%) 0.062
 No 130 (35.7) 234 (64.3)
 Yes 69 (44.5) 86 (55.5)
Do you think your department needs additional members to accomplish your tasks, n (%) 0.034
 No 23 (53.5) 20 (46.5)
 Yes 175 (36.8) 300 (63.2)
How would you classify your work environment, n (%) 0.077
 Very supportive 26 (53.1) 23 (46.9)
 Supportive 141 (37 240 (63)
 Not supportive 31 (35.2) 57 (64.8)
Do you feel supported by your supervisor, n (%) 0.016
 Very supported 35 (53.8) 30 (46.2)
 Supported 139 (36.9) 238 (63.1)
 Not supported 24 (32) 51 (68)
How much control do you feel that you have over your work schedule and tasks, n (%) 0.109
 A lot 62 (34.4) 118 (65.6)
 Some 93 (37.2) 118 (65.6)
 Not much 34 (45.9) 40 (54.1)
 None 8 (61.5) 5 (38.5)
Do you need to perform work outside your regular duties to supplement your income, n (%) 0.166
 No 32 (45.7) 38 (54.3)
 Yes 166 (37.1) 282 (62.9)
Do you feel that you have opportunities for career growth, n (%) 0.199
 No 27 (31.8) 58 (68.2)
 Yes 168 (39.2)
Do you enjoy your workmates/colleagues, n (%) 0.007
 No 6 (16.7) 30 (83.3)
 Yes 190 (39.6) 290 (60.4)
Is there anyone at work who you have great difficulty working with, n (%) 0.000
 No 143 (44.4) 179 (55.6)
 Yes 55 (28.1) 141 (71.9)
Satisfied with work/team interaction, n (%) <0.0001
 No 57 (27.5) 150 (72.5)
 Yes 139 (45) 170 (55)
Career Satisfaction
Would you choose to become a health worker again, n (%) 0.027
 No 15 (25) 45 (75)
 Yes 181 (39.8) 274 (60.2)
Would you recommend that to your children that they consider a career as a health worker, n (%) 0.066
 No 172 (40) 258 (60)
 Yes 26 (29.5) 62 (70.5)
If you could, would you switch to another career outside of health care, n (%) 0.002
 No 164 (42.2) 225 (57.8)
 Yes 32 (26.2) 90 (73.8)
Sum of career items 0.024
 0 7 (18.4) 31 (81.6)
 1 11 (31.4) 24 (68.6)
 2 29 (34.5) 55 (65.5)
 3 147 (41.9) 204 (58.1)
Sum if career items, mean (SD) 2.63 (0.75) 2.38 (0.99) 0.001

Analyses by chi-square test unless otherwise noted.