Male vs Female |
1.75 [1.17, 2.63] |
0.007 |
Males were 1.75 times more likely to have burn out than females |
Marital status |
Married vs. single |
0.92 [0.60, 1.40] |
0.694 |
No significant difference |
Widowed/divorced vs. single |
3.24 [1.32, 7.98] |
0.011 |
Those who were widowed/divorced were 3.24 times more likely to have burn out than those who were single |
Widowed/divorced vs. Married |
3.52 [1.47, 8.47] |
0.005 |
Those who were widowed/divorced were 3.52 times more likely to have burn out than those who were married |
Health facility type |
District hospital vs. rural |
1.47 [0.81, 2.67] |
0.203 |
No significant difference |
Health centre vs. rural |
2.02 [1.19, 3.40] |
0.009 |
Those working in health centre were 2.02 times more likely to have burn out than those working in rural hospital |
Health centre vs. district hospital |
1.37 [0.86, 2.18] |
0.182 |
No significant difference |
Support from supervisor |
Supportive vs. very supportive |
2.38 [1.32, 4.29] |
0.004 |
Those whose supervisor was supportive were 2.38 more likely to have burn out than those whose supervisor was very supportive |
Not supportive vs. very supportive |
2.34 [1.09, 4.99] |
0.029 |
Those whose supervisor was not supportive were 2.34 more likely to have burn out than those whose supervisor was very supportive |
Supportive vs. not supportive |
1.02 [0.57, 1.81] |
0.954 |
No significant difference |
Satisfied with work/team interactions no vs yes |
1.76 [1.17, 2.66] |
0.007 |
Those not satisfied with their work/team interaction were 1.76 times more likely to have burn out than those who were satisfied |
Depression score ≥8 |
3.32 [1.21, 9.10] |
0.020 |
Those with depression score ≥8 were 3.32 times more likely to have burn out than those with depression score <8 |
Type D personality, yes vs no |
2.77 [1.50, 5.12] |
0.001 |
Those with type D personality were 2.77 times more likely to have burn out than those without type D personality |
Career satisfaction |
0.76 [0.60, 0.96] |
0.020 |
With each unit increase in career satisfaction score, there was a 24% decrease in odds of having burn out. |