Fig. 2.
Stage-specific lethality associated with CG7804 knockdown and knockout. (A) Expression knockdown of CG7804 using Tub-GAL4 driver results in different lethality rates at different developmental stages. (B) Expression knockdown of CG7804 leads to eclosion lethal. (C) The outcome of pupae with CG7804 expression knockdown. (D) CG7804 expression is essential in different tissues from those of its parental gene, TBPH. Lethality rate is significantly different between CG7804 and TBPH knockdown when using elav, Dll, and en GAL4 drivers. Because the lethality rate is estimated relative to wildtype genotype (see Materials and Methods), negative lethality rate (e.g., en driver knocking down CG7804) means higher survival rate of that particular genotype than the wildtype. (E) Expression knockdown of CG7804 using Dll-GAL4 driver results in completely fused leg joint (red arrow) or semifused leg joint (black arrow). Legs of wildtype (Dll-GAL4 driver strain) individuals are shown side by side with those of knockdown individuals. T1–T3 are first, second, and third legs, respectively. (F) CG7804 knockout homozygotes have significantly higher lethality rate from embryo to larva and from larva to pupa than wildtype individuals. CG7804 knockout heterozygotes have similar lethality rates to those of wildtype individuals. E, embryo; L, third instar larvae (L3); P, pupae. KD, individuals with CG7804 knockdown genotype; nonKD, wildtype individuals; OP, pupae with pupa cased removed (open pupae). Mann–Whitney U test: *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001.