Table 1.
Gene | First author | Country | Age | Method | Histology | Study design | Specimen type | Cases | Therapy | Method patterns | Cut off | Survival status | Adjusted variables | Prognosis reported | Scores |
HIF-1α | Schindl59 | Austria | 52.3 | IHC | Advanced breast cancer | Prospective, multicenter | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 206 | Surgery and combined chemotherapy with tamoxifen | Clone monoclonal antibody H1 67, NB 100–105; Novus Biologicals, Littleton, CO; Dilution: 1:60 | Nuclear 10% | 5 years | HER-2 staining intensity, patient’s age at time of diagnosis, menopausal status, histological grading, estrogen receptor density, and tumor stage | OS, DFS | 29 |
HIF-1α | Bachtiar57 | Austria | NA | IHC, blind | Advanced cervical cancer | Retrospective, single-center | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 67 | Radiotherapy | No. H72320; BD Transduction Laboratories, Franklin Lakes; Dilution: 1:25 | Nuclear 10% | 3 years | Tumor size, patients’ age, nodal status, FIGO stage, and histological grading | CSS, PFS | 29 |
HIF-1α | Burri58 | Switzerland | 64 | IHC, blind | Advanced cervical cancer | Retrospective, NA | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens |
78 | Radiotherapy and chemotherapy | H1α67, Novus Biologicals, Littleton, CO; Dilution: 1:5000 |
Nuclear 0% | 5 years | Tumor stage, nodal status, histology, anemia, and median total dose | OS | 28 |
HIF-1α | Theodoropoulos56 | Greece | 68 | IHC, blind | Advanced rectal cancer | Retrospective, multicenter | Tissue | 92 | Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy | Mab H1α67, IgG2b isotype; StressGene, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada; Dilution: 1:1200 |
Nuclear 10% | 3 years | Tumor grade, pattern of tumor growth, vascular invasion, and lymph node status | OS, DFS | 24 |
HIF1α | Winter55 | UK | NA | IHC | Advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma | Retrospective, single-center | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 140 | Surgery and radiotherapy | ESEE122; Dilution: 1:30 | Nuclear 10% | 5 years | Advanced disease, anemia, gender, age, smoking history, lymph node status, tumor subsite, and tumor grade | CSS, OS, DFS | 22 |
HIF-1α | Generali54 | UK | NA | IHC, blind | Advanced breast cancer | Prospective randomized clinical trial, single-center | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 187 | Surgery and chemoendocrine therapy | ESEE 122, IgG1 monoclonal antibody; Dilution: 1:40 | Weak-strong | 5 years | T stage, N status, steroid hormone receptor status, c-erb2, bcl2, p53, and Ki67 | DFS | 29 |
HIF-1α | Klatte53 | USA | NA | IHC, blind | Metastatic clear cell RCC | Retrospective, single-center | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 141 | Immunotherapy | IgG2b, cloneH1α67-sup, final concentration, 6 Ag/mL; Novus Biologicals; NA | Nuclear 35% | 5 years | ECOG PS, T stage, concomitant lymph node metastases, Fuhrman grade, and number of metastatic sites | CSS | 23 |
HIF-1α | Dellas52 | Germany | 58.4 | IHC | Advanced cervical cancer | Retrospective, NA | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 44 | Radiotherapy | Ab463; Abcam, UK; NA | Nuclear, weak-intensive | 5 years | Tumor stage | CSS | 15 |
HIF-1α | Koo and Kim51 | Korea | 53.2 | IHC | Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma | Retrospective, single-center | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 17 | Chemo/radiation therapy | EP1215Y, Biocare, CA, USA; Dilution: 1:100 | Nuclear or cytoplasmic (or both) 10% | 3 years | NDR | OS | 11 |
HIF-1α | Shioya48 | Japan | 59 | IHC, blind | Advanced rectal cancer | Retrospective, NA | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 50 | Surgery and hyperthermo-chemoradiotherapy | Neomarkers, Fremont, CA; Dilution: 1:20000 | Nuclear 40% | 3 years | Radiation dose, chemotherapy course, treatment time of hyperthermia, age, gender, and stage | RFS, MFS | 21 |
HIF-1α | Xiang50 | China | 50 | IHC, blind | Hepatocellular carcinoma with abdominal LN metastases | Retrospective, single-center | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 69 | Radiotherapy | Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA; NA |
Nuclear or cytoplasmic (or both) 10% | 3 years | Hb, intrahepatic tumor number, vascular invasion, child-Pugh score, cumber of metastatic LN, and intrahepatic tumor control etc. | OS, RFS | 25 |
HIF-1α | Wan47 | China | 43.1 | IHC, blind | Advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma | Randomized controlled trial | Tissue | 144 | Chemotherapy and radiotherapy | Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA; Dilution: 1:200 | Nuclear or cytoplasmic (or both) 5 scores | 5 years | Age, gender, histological style, TNM stage, and Aurora-A | OS, MFS, PFS | 25 |
HIF-1α | Fraga49 | Brazil | NA | IHC | Upper aerodigestive tract cancer with cervical lymph nodes | Retrospective, single-center | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens |
26 | Surgery and radiotherapy | Clone HIF-1α 67, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, USA; NA | NA | 3 years | NDR | OS | 17 |
HIF-1α | Shim46 | Korea | 62 | IHC, blind | Advanced rectal cancer | Retrospective, single-center | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 104 | Surgery and chemoradiotherapy | Novus Biologicals, Littleton, CO; Dilution: 1:50 | 2 scores | 3 years | Age and stage | RFS | 22 |
HIF-1α | Shimomura45 | Japan | 62 | IHC | Colorectal liver metastasis | Retrospective, single-center | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 64 | Surgery and chemotherapy | Novus Biologicals, Littleton, CO; Dilution: 1:50 | Cytoplasm 5 scores | 5 years | N stage, no. of liver tumors, and CEA level etc. | DFS | 22 |
HIF-1α | Wu44 | China | NA | IHC | Advanced non-small cell lung cancer | Retrospective, single-center | Frozen tissues | 162 | Chemotherapy | Millipore Corporation®, USA; Dilution: 1:150 | 6 scores | NA | Age, sex, smoking status, histology, stage, chemotherapy regimens, and response status | OS | 21 |
HIF-1α | Wilson23 | USA | 62 | qRT-PCR | Metastatic colorectal cancer | Retrospective, multicenter | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 42 | FOLFOX4 chemotherapy plus the VEGFR inhibitor PTK787/ZK 222584 (vatalanib) | Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA; NA | mRNA 1.84 ratio | <3 years | Performance status and serum LDH level | OS | 25 |
HIF-1α | Zhang43 | China | NA | IHC, blind | Metastastic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma | Retrospective, single-center | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 69 | Surgery and radiotherapy/chemotherapy | Clone H1α67; Novus Biologicals, Inc., Littleton, CO; NA | Nucleus and cytoplasm 44% | 5 years | NDR | OS, DFS | 16 |
HIF-1α | Braicu42 | Germany, Belgium, Austria | 58 | ELISA | Advanced epithelial ovarian cancer | Prospective, multicenter | Tissue | 275 | Surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy | ELISA kit (R&D Systems, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA; NA | 80 pg/mg protein | 5 years | Age at first diagnosis, FIGO stage, histological subtype, histological grade, presence and volume of ascites, residual tumor mass after surgery, peritoneal dissemination, and responses to platinum-based chemotherapy | OS | 26 |
HIF-1α | Xie 201541 | China | 63 | ELISA, blind | Metastatic renal cell carcinoma | Prospective, open-label, single-arm, multicenter, phase II trial | Serum | 86 | Second-line treatment with pazopanib after failure of first-line sunitinib treatment | (ELISA) kit (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN; NA | 80.2 pg/mg protein | <3 years | Previous nephrectomy, six IMDC (International Metastatic RCC Database Consortium) risk factors (anaemia, neutrophilia, Karnofski performance status (KPS) <80%, thrombocytosis, hypercalcaemia, and time from diagnosis to treatment interval <1 year), number of organs involved, and best response to prior sunitinib therapy | OS, PFS | 25 |
HIF-1α | Berk21 | Turkey | 55 | IHC | Metastatic colorectal cancer | Retrospective, single-center | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 53 | Chemotherapy combinations with Bevacizumab | Thermo scientificAb-4, (Clone H1α67, U.K; Dilution: 1:50 | Cytoplasm 5 scores | <3 years | Age, gender, K-ras status, dose reduction, dose delay, ECOG PS, metastases, and chemotherapy regimen | OS, PFS | 21 |
HIF-1α | Goos22 | The Netherlands | NA | IHC | Colorectal cancer liver metastasis |
Retrospective, multicenter | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 328 | Surgery and systemic therapy | BD Transduction Laboratories, Breda, The Netherlands; Dilution: 1:500 | Nuclear 25% | 5 years | Primary tumor-to-CRCLM interval of less than 12 months, lymph node positivity at the time of diagnosis of the primary tumor, maximal CRCLM diameter of greater than 5.0 cm, number of CRCLM greater than 1, and serum CEA level greater than 200 ng/mL | OS | 28 |
HIF-1α | Shultz40 | USA | NA | Proximity ligation assay/quantitative PCR | Advanced or metastatic pancreatic cancer | Randomized control trial, multicenter | Plasma | 229 | Gemcitabine and erlotinib | Model 7500, Applied Biosystems; NA | Protein | <3 years | Age, sex, race, ECOG performance status, pain intensity, and disease stage | OS | 26 |
HIF-1α | Chen39 | China | 53 | IHC, blind | Advanced pharyngeal cancer | Retrospective, single-center | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 57 | Chemoradiotherapy/radiotherapy | Not clear; NA | Nuclear 80% | <3 years | TNM classification, volumetric parameters, texture indices, and primary tumor origin | CSS, RFS | 22 |
HIF-1α | Nyström38 | Sweden | 71 | IHC | Advanced soft tissue sarcoma of extremities and trunk wall | Retrospective, single-center | Tissue | 73 | Surgery and radiotherapy/chemotherapy | Clone 54, BD Biosciences, Sweden; Dilution: 1:50 | Nuclear 10% | 5 years | Size, vascular invasion, necrosis, and tumor depth | OS, MFS | 22 |
HIF-1α | Moreno-Acosta37 | Colombia | 46.3 | IHC | Advanced squamous cell cervical carcinoma | Prospective, National Cancer Institute | Fresh tissue | 149 | Chemo-radiotherapy and brachytherapy | ESEE122, ab8366, abcam; Dilution: 1:400 | 10% | 5 years | FIGO, differentiation degree, treatment type, and anemia | OS, PFS | 21 |
HIF-1α | Beuselinck36 | France, Belgium | 59 | qRT-PCR | Metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma | Prospective, multicenter | Tissue | 104 | Sunitinib | Fluidigm, South San Francisco, CA; NA | mRNA | 5 years | Arcomatoid dedifferentiation >25% of tumor volume, neutrophil count, bone metastasis, liver metastasis, and Karnofsky performance status | OS | 23 |
HIF-2α | Winter55 | United Kingdom | NA | IHC | Advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma | Retrospective, single-center | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 140 | Surgery and radiotherapy | ESEE122; Dilution: 1:30 | Nuclear 10% | 5 years | Advanced disease, anemia, gender, age, smoking history, lymph node status, tumor subsite, and tumor grade | CSS, OS, DFS | 22 |
HIF-2α | Garcia-Donas60 | Spain | 66 | IHC | Advanced clear cell renal cell carcinoma | Prospective, multicenter | Paraffin-embedded tumor specimens | 67 | Sunitinib | Polyclonal Novus Biologicals NB100–122; Dilution: 1:200 | 5% | <3 years | MSKCC prognostic classification and gender | OS, PFS | 26 |
HIF-2α | Xie 201541 | China | 63 | ELISA, blind | Metastatic renal cell carcinoma | Prospective, open-label, single-arm, multicenter, phase II trial |
Serum | 86 | Second-line treatment with pazopanib after failure of first-line sunitinib treatment | (ELISA) kit (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN): NA | 80.2 pg/mg protein | <3 years | Previous nephrectomy, six IMDC (International Metastatic RCC Database Consortium) risk factors (anaemia, neutrophilia, Karnofski performance status (KPS) <80%, thrombocytosis, hypercalcaemia, and time from diagnosis to treatment interval <1 year), number of organs involved, and best response to prior sunitinib therapy | OS, PFS | 25 |
HIF-2α | Beuselinck36 | France | 59 | qRT-PCR | Metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma | Prospective, multicenter | Tissue | 104 | Sunitinib | Fluidigm, South San Francisco, CA; NA | mRNA | 5 years | Arcomatoid dedifferentiation > 25% of tumor volume, neutrophil count, bone metastasis, liver metastasis, and Karnofsky performance status | OS, PFS | 23 |
CEA, carcino embryonic antigen; CRCLM, colorectal cancer liver metastasis; CSS, cancer-specific survival; DFS, disease-free survival; ECOG PS, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status; FIGO, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics; Hb, hemoglobin; HIF-1α, hypoxia inducible factor-1α, HIF-2α, hypoxia inducible factor-2α; IHC, immunohistochemistry; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; LN, lymph nodes; MFS, metastasis-free survival; MSKCC, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; NA, not applicable; NDR, not detailed report; OS, overall survival; PFS, progression-free survival; qRT-PCR, quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; RCC, renal cell carcinoma; RFS, relapse/recurrence-free survival; TNM, tumor node metastasis.