Table 1. Comparison of the previous WPW algorithms and our algorithm with the nomenclature.
Our algorithm | LF | LF | LF | LF | LS | RS | RS | RS | RF | RF | RF | RF | RF |
Arruda4 | LAL | LL | LPL | LP | PSMA | PSTA | MS | AS | RA | RAL | RL | RPL | RP |
Boersma11 | LL | LL | LPS | LPS | LPS | PS | MS | MS | AS | RL | RL | RL | RPS |
Chiang5 | LAL | LL | LPL | LP | LPS | RPS | MS | RAS | RA | RAL | RL | RPL | RP |
d’Avila6 | LL | LL | LP | LPS | LPS | RPS | RMS | RAS | RAL | RAL | RAL | RPL | RPL |
Iturralde8 | LPL/LAS | LPL/LAS | LIP/LI | LIP/LI | LIP/LI | RIP/RI | RASP | RASP | RA | RA | RA | RIP/RI | RIP/RI |
AS, anteroseptal; LAL, left anterolateral; LAS, left anterosuperior; LF, left free wall; LI, left inferior; LIP, left inferior paraseptal; LL, left lateral; LP, left posterior; LPL, left posterolateral; LPS, left posteroseptal; LS, left septal; MS, midseptal; PSMA, paraseptal mitral annulus; PSTA, paraseptal tricuspid annulus; RA, right anterior; RAL, right anterolateral; RAS, right anteroseptal; RASP, right anterosuperior paraseptal; RF, right free wall; RL, right lateral; RI, right inferior; RIP, right inferior paraseptal; RMS, right midseptal; RP, right posterior; RPL, right posterolateral; RS, right septal.