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Table 2. Simple descriptions, total accuracy, right-side total accuracy and left-side total accuracy in pediatric patients with the previous algorithms and the newly developed algorithm.

Simple descriptions Total Right side Left side
Arruda 4 individual steps  46.2%   34.3%   70.6% 
1. I (Δ < +) or V1 (RS > 1) → AVF (Δ)
2. II (Δ: -)
3. V1 (Δ < +) → AVF (Δ)
4. Remaining → AVF (Δ)
Boersma 3 sequential steps  70.2%   77.1%   55.9% 
V1 (RS), III (RS), II (RS)
Chiang 4 sequential steps  48.1%   32.9%   79.4% 
V2 (RS), III (Δ), AVF (Δ) / V1 (RS)
d’Avila 4 sequential steps  30.8%   11.4%   70.6% 
V1 (RS), III (RS), AVL (RS) / III (Q) → RSII(RS)
Iturralde 3 sequential steps  46.2%   41.4%   55.9% 
III (RS), V1 (RS), V2 (RS)
Li 3 sequential steps  92.3%   88.6%   100% 
V1 (RS), V1 (Δ) / I (Δ) → III (Δ)

RS, R/S polarity; Δ, delta wave polarity; < +, ± or -; /, followed by the different result of previous step in the same level of algorithm; →, next step only following by the one of the previous step.