1 | a Pronotum completely black, or only extreme upper and rear edges brown (Fig. 134); b Abdomen entirely black; c Mesepisternum more densely pubescent above than below but without extensive entirely glabrous area on lower half (Fig. 134); d Hind coxa with at least basal half black (Fig. 134); e Wing membrane hyaline; f Lancet with ca. 19 teeth (Fig. 136); g Penisvalve with ventral margin of paravalva not emarginate (Fig. 138); h Body length 5.0–6.5 mm Larval hosts: Populus spp., rarely on Salix | *Stauronematus platycerus (Hartig, 1840) |
— | aa Pronotum almost completely pale white or bright yellow, only ventral margins black (Fig. 135); bb Abdomen apically more or less pale: in ♀ at least hypopygial area pale brown, sometimes abdomen medially completely pale (yellow); in ♂ subgenital plate and harpes brown; cc Mesepisternum with an extensive glabrous area on lower half (Fig. 135); dd Hind coxa with only extreme base black (Fig. 135); ee Wing membrane slightly infuscate; ff Lancet with ca. 16 teeth (Fig. 137); gg Penisvalve with ventral margin of paravalva emarginate (Fig. 139); hh Body length 5.0–5.5 mm Larval host: Salix atrocinerea. S. purpurea requires confirmation. Only known from Corsica and Sardinia | Stauronematus saliciphilus Liston, 2007 |