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. 2019 Aug 20;6(3):409–415. doi: 10.5455/javar.2019.f361

Table 1. Production performance of the broilers supplemented with phytobiotic, probiotic, and their combination.

Parameters Treatment groups
A(Control) B(Antibiotic) C (Phytobiotic) D (Probiotic) E (Phyto+Probi)
ILW (gm) 41.25±1.25 41.75±1.79 41±1.87 42±1.58 40.50±2.21
FLW (gm) 665 ± 4.16 686 ± 2.08 780 ± 27.79 1095± 6.03 1065.0±18.93
LWG (gm) 623.75±2.91 644.25±1.39 739±25.79 1053±4.90 1024.50±21.25
FI (gm) 1310 1263 1352 1812 1793
FCR 2.1 1.96 1.83 1.72 1.75

Data are express as mean ± SE. ILW; Initial live weight. FLW; Final live weight. LWG; Live weight gain. FI; Feed intake. FCR; Feed conversion ratio.