Figure 2.
Example program-level mean milestone ratings in DR for year 1 residents, from 178 ACGME-accredited DR programs, 2013–2016 (for the full version of the figure, see Supplemental Digital Appendix 4 at The thick black line is the best-fit regression slope, indicating the national-level trend of program-level average ratings (thin gray lines) over time. The ordinate is scaled in terms of the 5 levels of milestone ratings. The regression line presented here does not account for variations in the number of residents per program. Abbreviations: DR indicates diagnostic radiology; ACGME, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education; PC, patient care; MK, medical knowledge; SBP, systems-based practice; PBLI, practice-based learning and improvement; PROF, professionalism; ICS, interpersonal and communication skills.