Fig. 3. (See also Figures S1-S3). Effects of treatment with memantine or NitroSynapsin on synaptic integrity of Tsc2+/− mice.
Representative histological images and quantification of brain slices from three-month-old TSC2 +/− transgenic mice treated with vehicle, memantine or NitroSynapsin. (a) Staining for SY38 positive synaptic terminals (red) in the hippocampus. (b) Quantification of percent area of synaptophysin immunoreactivity. Low Synaptophysin-positive terminal signal in Tsc2+/− vehicle-treated mice was increased with NitroSynapsin treatment (*P < 0.022). Values are mean + s.e.m. for n = 3 mice evaluated for each treatment by unpaired t-test.